Kirkman building entrance

就业 Opportunities


To provide equal employment, 为所有员工提供晋升和学习的机会, 九游会的就业和学生录取决定将以成绩为基础, 资格, 和能力. 九游会没有种族歧视, color, 国家的起源, 性, 残疾, 年龄或任何受法律保护的特征在就业和录取的各个方面在其教育计划或活动. 任何对九游会的不歧视合规政策有疑问的人, 包括适用平等就业机会, 标题四世, VI, 7, IX, 第504条及其实施条例, 是直接联系学院的民权平等官员, Barton 社区 College, l - 138房间, 大弯, Kansas 67530 (620) 786-7441. 任何人也可以联系美国公民权利办公室主任.S. 教育部,华盛顿特区20101.

Approved by: President
Revision(s): 12/16/13; 10/14/21 (minor revision)

打印的年度安全和消防安全报告可向位于技术大楼的校园安全办公室索取, Room 154 on the main campus, or by contacting Campus Safety at 620.792.9217. 查看 完整的报告 在线.

The report includes: Clery Act background; report development and distribution; geography reflecting campus locations and crime statistics for locations; Barton Campus Safety Authorities and associated procedures; procedures for requesting crime statistics from local law enforcement agencies;  procedures for documenting our daily crime log; emergency notification procedures including decision to issue, methods of notification; evacuation, Run/Hide/Fight  and other emergency procedures;  timely warning procedures including associated crimes, decision to issue, methods of notification; Emergency Response Team members; procedures for reporting criminal acts or other emergencies; emergency contact information and assistance resources for locations; security awareness and crime prevention programs; 毒品,酒精, annual notification to employees, 性ual harassment policies; relationship and 性暴力 prevention programs; disclosing information to victims; collaboration with law enforcement; registered 性 offender notification; missing student procedures. 

根据以下联邦就业法,申请人享有以下权利:  Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)Equal 就业 Opportunity (EEO); and Employee Polygraph Protection Act (EPPA). 有听力或语言障碍的人请使用堪萨斯州中继服务(800)766-3777或拨打711. 立即开始审查完整的应用程序包. 九游会的所有职位空缺,直到补满为止. 均等就业机会/ AA. 

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