Bart hangs out with a student on campus


Barton students have multiple electronic venues available to support their educational experience. Find links to login to these venues below.


登入你的 MyBarton门户 访问课程的帐户, 管理你的美洲狮邮件, and view your PAWS account using a convenient dashboard. Your portal user name is your cougar email address and your password is your 6 digit birthday for first time users. 


你可以查看你的 email address and your Barton ID by logging into your MyBarton门户 account.

*Please remember to check for emails from Barton in the "spam" folder of your @cougar.bookitall.net帐户. If you find emails from Barton in your "spam" folder, 请标记为“非垃圾邮件”," to ensure that you receive important and timely information from us.


Visit 九游会在线 for educational opportunities as well as access to online course components for all 100% online courses, 混合课程, 大多数面对面的课程.


The 美洲狮文本警报系统 allows subscribers to receive alerts concerning campus emergencies and closings through email or text messaging. All active employees and current students (non-online) are automatically signed up for the emergency alerts.  Employees/Students may opt out of text messaging if they choose to. Employees/Students must sign up for specialty groups/lists if they wish to receive those notifications (Student Housing/Student Activities/etc.).

Technical Assistance for 九游会在线 Students

Visit the 资讯科技帮助网页 for instructions on looking up your login ID, technical requirements and for access to 24/7 technical support. 

If you need further assistance logging in to your courses, please contact (620) 792-2701 ext. 720 or